Installing the SMART disk drive monitoring system. This assumes email notifications are set up correctly.

sudo apt install smartmontools

Edit /etc/default/smartmontools so that start_smartd=yes. Now edit /etc/smartd.conf with a first test setup of


Then restart the service with

sudo service smartd restart

Should send an email for every drive. Then edit the line to show

DEVICESCAN -a -s (S/../../1/19|L/../02/./21) -m <USERNAME>

Where -a is -H -f -t -l error -l selftest -C 197 -U 198. This does a short test every Monday at 19:00h and a long test every second day of the month at 21:00h - make sure there isn’t a ZFS scrub at the same time.

sudo service smartd restart

And restart the service again.


NVMe SMART support is rudimentary, see