
We have the advantage that there is an actual terminal hooked up to the server, so we can just walk over and configure stuff by hand if it doesn’t work. In other words, we can be very restrictive. The goals:

  1. Everybody can access Emby
  2. The Apple computers can access Time Machine
  3. Everybody on the local net can access Glances
  4. Core is the jump server for home, so chell can ssh; worker needs to ssh into home for backups
  5. We need to allow access to Avahi (mDNS) to all in the local network
  6. Allow NFS access from chell

Out of the box, we get an “inactive” with

sudo ufw status

Which is good. First we start with the basics:

sudo ufw default deny incoming
sudo ufw default allow outgoing

Then we explicitly reject ssh via the normal port 22 (don’t leave the user hanging, because this will be a simple mistake that will be made often):

sudo ufw reject ssh

For the other goals:

Goal 1: Emby
sudo ufw allow to any port 8096 comment 'Emby HTTP'
Goal 2: Time Machine access from mediator
sudo ufw allow from to any port 548 comment 'TM from mediator'
sudo ufw allow from to any port 427 comment 'TM from mediator'
Goal 3: Glances from local network
sudo ufw allow from to any port 61208 comment 'Glances'
Goal 4: Allow ssh from chell and worker
sudo ufw allow proto tcp from to any port 2019 comment 'ssh from chell'
sudo ufw allow proto tcp from to any port 2019 comment 'ssh from worker'
Goal 5: Allow mDNS
sudo ufw allow mdns comment 'mDNS'
Goal 6: Allow NFS access from chell

This is more tricky, because the mountd changes the port by default.

Edit /etc/default/nfs-kernel-server and change the line


and make it into

RPCMOUNTDOPTS="--port 33333"

This is just a number that was easy to remember. Now restart the server.

sudo service nfs-kernel-server restart

Add the correct firewall rules:

sudo ufw allow from to any port nfs comment 'NFS from chell'
sudo ufw allow from to any port 111 comment 'NFS from chell'
sudo ufw allow from to any port 33333 comment 'NFS from chell'

Disable and re-enable the firewall.

Status verbose gives us:

To           Action      From
--           ------      ----
5353         ALLOW IN    Anywhere          # mDNS
2019/tcp     ALLOW IN     # ssh from chell
2019/tcp     ALLOW IN     # ssh from worker
8096         ALLOW IN    Anywhere          # Emby HTTP
548          ALLOW IN     # Time Machine from mediator
427          ALLOW IN     # Time Machine from mediator
61208        ALLOW IN   # Glances
22/tcp       REJECT IN   Anywhere          # No SSH over normal port
2049         ALLOW IN     # NFS from chell
111          ALLOW IN     # NFS from chell
33333        ALLOW IN     # NFS from chell
5353 (v6)    ALLOW IN    Anywhere (v6)     # Allow Zero Config
8096 (v6)    ALLOW IN    Anywhere (v6)     # Emby HTTP
22/tcp (v6)  REJECT IN   Anywhere (v6)     # No SSH over normal port

Administration stuff that might come in handy:

sudo ufw enable          # start the firewall
sudo ufw status verbose  # what's going on
sudo ufw app list        # who can pierce the firewall
sudo iptables -L         # list of rules
sudo ufw disable         # stop the firewall

Test with various machines to see if we can log in / do time machine / play videos.